In this first part of the Mattermost Lunch Channel History Dojo, we aim to retrieve the data from the "lunch" channel for further analysis through the Mattermost API. The concrete goal of this session is to create a file (or multiple files) that contain all of the history of the lunch channel in a suitable format for further analysis (e.g. json or csv). Importantly, the data needs to contain the information, who posted when and what, together with the information who reacted to the post with which emoji(s). :pizza: :+1: :-1: :rocket: :cry:
!pip install --user -q mattermostdriver
WARNING: Ignoring invalid distribution -andas (/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages) WARNING: Ignoring invalid distribution -andas (/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages) [notice] A new release of pip is available: 24.0 -> 24.1.1 [notice] To update, run: python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
import random
from mattermostdriver import Driver
from getpass import getpass
# enter the names of your group (comma separated) and update the seed if you like
names = "Robin,Mike,Markus,Jana,Andi"
names = names.split(",")
rotation = " → ".join(names)
'Markus → Mike → Andi → Robin → Jana'
In order to access Mattermost, the valid token of a user is required. In order to generate a token, one member of each group needs to download the
script and run it locally. Provide your username and password there, a file .token
will be created in your current directory. This token can be entered in the input field that appears when you run the next code cell.
:warning: all API actions are performed as the user who provides the token. Please use it responsibly. The user who created the token should run
locally, in order to invalidate the token after the session.
mm = Driver({
'url': '',
'token': getpass("Enter token: "),
'port': 443})
Enter token:
{'id': '8gtq7te3ii8k3dat8gougi6ikh', 'create_at': 1498818560044, 'update_at': 1719998533321, 'delete_at': 0, 'username': 'iimog', 'auth_data': '', 'auth_service': '', 'email': '', 'email_verified': True, 'nickname': '', 'first_name': 'Markus', 'last_name': 'Ankenbrand', 'position': '', 'roles': 'system_user', 'allow_marketing': True, 'props': {'customStatus': '{"emoji":"back","text":"","duration":"this_week","expires_at":"2024-06-15T21:59:59.999Z"}', 'last_search_pointer': '2'}, 'notify_props': {'channel': 'true', 'comments': 'never', 'desktop': 'all', 'desktop_duration': '5', 'desktop_sound': 'true', 'email': 'false', 'first_name': 'false', 'mention_keys': 'iimog', 'push': 'mention', 'push_status': 'online', 'user_id': '8gtq7te3ii8k3dat8gougi6ikh'}, 'last_password_update': 1499240959099, 'last_picture_update': 1499243140269, 'locale': 'en', 'timezone': {'automaticTimezone': 'Europe/Berlin', 'manualTimezone': '', 'useAutomaticTimezone': 'true'}, 'disable_welcome_email': False}
Now look at the:
{'total_users_count': 440}
{'id': '4izweae3eigapetc3b4stqkgna', 'create_at': 1498811058402, 'update_at': 1558555317773, 'delete_at': 0, 'display_name': 'CCTB', 'name': 'cctb', 'description': '', 'email': '', 'type': 'O', 'company_name': '', 'allowed_domains': '', 'invite_id': 'yg6m1911ot8djkajhqgigfw6xy', 'allow_open_invite': False, 'last_team_icon_update': 1558555317773, 'scheme_id': None, 'group_constrained': None, 'policy_id': None, 'cloud_limits_archived': False}
team_id = "4izweae3eigapetc3b4stqkgna"
lunch_json = mm.channels.get_channel_by_name(team_id=team_id, channel_name="lunch")
{'id': 'h3azbb4yejd69kg68kdmqiw53r', 'create_at': 1499152209696, 'update_at': 1689242463847, 'delete_at': 0, 'team_id': '4izweae3eigapetc3b4stqkgna', 'type': 'O', 'display_name': 'lunch', 'name': 'lunch', 'header': '[cooking]( - [gather](', 'purpose': 'How to organize lunch :)', 'last_post_at': 1719910676224, 'total_msg_count': 6906, 'extra_update_at': 1533632808244, 'creator_id': '', 'scheme_id': None, 'props': None, 'group_constrained': None, 'shared': None, 'total_msg_count_root': 6971, 'policy_id': None, 'last_root_post_at': 1719910676224}
lunch_m = mm.posts.get_posts_for_channel("h3azbb4yejd69kg68kdmqiw53r")
WARNING: Some output was deleted.
list_keys = ["user_id", "message", "create_at", "metadata"]
lunch_data = []
for i in range(117):
lunch_data.append(mm.posts.get_posts_for_channel("h3azbb4yejd69kg68kdmqiw53r", params={"page":i})["posts"])
lunch_data = [list(x.values()) for x in lunch_data]
lunch_data = sum(lunch_data, [])
{'id': 'yygrg8xs1jn6d8c1zqg5xcmboh', 'create_at': 1462356302000, 'update_at': 1462356302000, 'edit_at': 0, 'delete_at': 0, 'is_pinned': False, 'user_id': 'zhcza6utdjbddq3tkcr9pwhunc', 'channel_id': 'h3azbb4yejd69kg68kdmqiw53r', 'root_id': '', 'original_id': '', 'message': 'kommt noch jemand mit?', 'type': '', 'props': {}, 'hashtags': '', 'pending_post_id': '', 'reply_count': 0, 'last_reply_at': 0, 'participants': None, 'metadata': {}}
import pandas as pd
lunch_df = pd.DataFrame(lunch_data)
id | create_at | update_at | edit_at | delete_at | is_pinned | user_id | channel_id | root_id | original_id | ... | type | props | hashtags | pending_post_id | reply_count | last_reply_at | participants | metadata | file_ids | has_reactions | |
0 | 13yo1tsrnid15bd3tohgqgnash | 1719305873100 | 1719305873100 | 0 | 0 | False | xiomf453pfnuxqix7yrpxyhyrr | h3azbb4yejd69kg68kdmqiw53r | ... | system_join_channel | {'username': 'jannis_witte'} | 0 | 0 | None | {} | NaN | NaN | ||||
1 | 1f77hkb68py5ukuzfdcw1j8mty | 1715935781173 | 1715936603441 | 0 | 0 | False | yhmko9aeb7nszc8h1oobfct1xw | h3azbb4yejd69kg68kdmqiw53r | ... | {'disable_group_highlight': True} | 0 | 0 | None | {'files': [{'id': 'mqs611s1jfng7ywfhgewadedsy'... | [mqs611s1jfng7ywfhgewadedsy] | True | |||||
2 | 35tzkq6b7j8wj8tyq14etq9bka | 1714641187878 | 1714641211385 | 0 | 0 | False | yjzjdkydhinrxjff1jnhifz4ne | h3azbb4yejd69kg68kdmqiw53r | ... | {'disable_group_highlight': True} | 0 | 0 | None | {'reactions': [{'user_id': 'xxg7ytrh9idsdci9zo... | NaN | True | |||||
3 | 3jqtuj71qpda8dse6tjnhdeq4c | 1715606274553 | 1715606652773 | 0 | 0 | False | ajs477544if7ip5r5yawkitf3e | h3azbb4yejd69kg68kdmqiw53r | ... | {'disable_group_highlight': True} | 0 | 0 | None | {'reactions': [{'user_id': '6fhkr7yz47fo5czpsh... | NaN | True | |||||
4 | 5hbfj51hjfrsprqq8koacfk18w | 1718269643481 | 1718269643481 | 0 | 0 | False | t4hkob8r5bnn3kc6m5gp6858he | h3azbb4yejd69kg68kdmqiw53r | ... | {'disable_group_highlight': True} | 0 | 0 | None | {'files': [{'id': '78us3dnftirwufg36z8yu6fs6w'... | [78us3dnftirwufg36z8yu6fs6w] | NaN | |||||
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
7019 | xemeqrs73prkdf8a4hxoienhhr | 1462874379000 | 1462874379000 | 0 | 0 | False | exh6xby887y4bfcydwu4yxrseh | h3azbb4yejd69kg68kdmqiw53r | ... | {} | 0 | 0 | None | {} | NaN | NaN | |||||
7020 | xu4rdwgbajr4fgzqwqzgg3n96c | 1462354278000 | 1462354278000 | 0 | 0 | False | xuzzcgkghb8nzj45w3q4mmuohe | h3azbb4yejd69kg68kdmqiw53r | ... | {} | 0 | 0 | None | {} | NaN | NaN | |||||
7021 | yegrfqjsaibnt8q9umotho5dqc | 1462874152000 | 1462874152000 | 0 | 0 | False | mix7yh94hbyn7fzfetj6t7x3jr | h3azbb4yejd69kg68kdmqiw53r | ... | {} | 0 | 0 | None | {} | NaN | NaN | |||||
7022 | yepxejb3ejnj9nmsb75eod1bga | 1462354247000 | 1462354247000 | 0 | 0 | False | zhcza6utdjbddq3tkcr9pwhunc | h3azbb4yejd69kg68kdmqiw53r | ... | {} | 0 | 0 | None | {} | NaN | NaN | |||||
7023 | yygrg8xs1jn6d8c1zqg5xcmboh | 1462356302000 | 1462356302000 | 0 | 0 | False | zhcza6utdjbddq3tkcr9pwhunc | h3azbb4yejd69kg68kdmqiw53r | ... | {} | 0 | 0 | None | {} | NaN | NaN |
7024 rows × 21 columns
0 1719305873100 1 1715935781173 2 1714641187878 3 1715606274553 4 1718269643481 ... 7019 1462874379000 7020 1462354278000 7021 1462874152000 7022 1462354247000 7023 1462356302000 Name: create_at, Length: 7024, dtype: int64
type 6863 system_join_channel 103 system_leave_channel 29 system_add_to_channel 26 system_header_change 3 Name: count, dtype: int64
import datetime
import pytz
datetime.datetime(2016, 5, 4, 10, 5, 2)
lunch_df["create_at"] = lunch_df["create_at"]/1000
timezone = pytz.timezone('Europe/Berlin')
lunch_df["create_at_gmt"] = lunch_df["create_at"].map(lambda x: datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(x, tz=timezone))
import numpy as np
array([ 8. , 8.5, 9. , 9.5, 10. , 10.5, 11. , 11.5, 12. , 12.5, 13. , 13.5, 14. , 14.5, 15. , 15.5, 16. , 16.5, 17. , 17.5, 18. , 18.5])
lunch_df["create_at_gmt"][lunch_df["create_at_gmt"].map(lambda x: x.year) > 2020].map(lambda x: x.hour + x.minute/60).plot.hist(bins=150, xlim=(8,18), xticks=np.arange(8,19,.5), alpha=.5, density=True)
lunch_df["create_at_gmt"][lunch_df["create_at_gmt"].map(lambda x: x.year) <= 2020].map(lambda x: x.hour + x.minute/60).plot.hist(bins=150, xlim=(8,18), xticks=np.arange(8,19,.5), alpha=.5, density=True)
<Axes: ylabel='Frequency'>
lunch_df["create_at_gmt"][lunch_df["create_at_gmt"].map(lambda x: x.year) <= 2020].map(lambda x: x.hour + x.minute/60).plot.hist(bins=150, xlim=(8,18), xticks=np.arange(8,19,.5))
<Axes: ylabel='Frequency'>
lunch_df["create_at_gmt"].map(lambda x: x.year + x.month/12).plot.hist(bins=50)
<Axes: ylabel='Frequency'>
before_or_after = lunch_df["create_at_gmt"].map(lambda x: x.year) > 2020
0 True 1 True 2 True 3 True 4 True ... 7019 False 7020 False 7021 False 7022 False 7023 False Name: create_at_gmt, Length: 7024, dtype: bool