Data Dojo Würzburg 9 - DataDojo@Lunch

February 2022


This time we try something new: we’ll meet at 12pm for just 1 hour. This way you can have your lunch while attending the Dojo (we are taking turns coding as usual). This is an experiment to see if this format better fits the tight schedules of the participants.


Please add your name to the list (click the pen icon at the top left to edit) if you plan to come. And please remove it if you can not make it. Feel free to add your preferred tool or programming language.


Local results of the German Federal Election from Würzburg (Stadt and Landkreis) together with demographic information (e.g. age structure): Stadt, Landkreis

Specific task for today

Place Party Erststimmen Zweitstimmen
bla blub 0.23 0.12

When you are done, feel free to do the same for Stadt/Land (whichever you did not select first) or start exploring some of the interesting questions (for inspiration, see below).

Question Pool:

Collaborative Tools and Workflow

For Notebooks (R, python, julia, js, …) with real time collaboration CoCalc seems to be the best option right now. It worked great the last couple of times so we’ll stick to it for now. You need to register an account there (it is free).

Future Suggestions

Add your suggestions to the list and :+1: to the end of a line you are interested in

Data Sets



Data Sources

all data types are welcome, including tables, images, videos, sounds, DNA, …