Data Dojo Würzburg 5
October 2021
- When: October 14th, 2021 at 6:00pm
- Where: Zoom
- Zoom: The event has ended
- Info: DataDojo Website, Repo
Please add your name to the list (click the pen icon at the top left to edit) if you plan to come. And please remove it if you can not make it. Feel free to add your preferred tool or programming language.
- Markus (R/tidyverse)
We’ll use the same data set as in September as we barely scratched the surface:
Hourly temperature in Würzburg from 1948 to 2021 (and Kitzingen from 2005 to 2021).
Data access:
A pre-downloaded file is available here.
Question Pool:
- Generic
- What kind of information is stored in the table?
- How much data is missing?
- Is the dataset clean or are there any clear outliers?
- Specific
- What (and when) was the hottest/coldest temperature ever meassured in Würzburg
- What was the hottest/coldest day/week/month/year (sliding window)?
- What was the most extreme temperature difference within 24 hours?
- Is there a long term trend in mean temperature?
- Is there a difference in temperature per month (shifting seasons)?
- Add your own questions
- Further Ideas
- How well can we predict the temparature of the next day/week/month?
- Include precipitation or more weather stations from Germany/Europe/World → maybe another time
Collaborative Tools and Workflow
For Notebooks (R, python, julia, js, …) with real time collaboration CoCalc seems to be the best option right now. It worked great the last couple of times so we’ll stick to it for now. You need to register an account there (it is free).
Other real time collaboration tools
Feel free to add suggestions to this list
- VS Code with Live Share Extension (very promising but notebook support not yet stable), languages: python, R, julia, …
- Jupyter Lab real time collaboration (alpha feature), languages: python, R, julia, …
- Observable multiplayer (experimental feature), languages: javascript
- Jupyter Lite: in browser version of Jupyter Lab, languages: javascript, (a subset of) python
Future Suggestions
Add your suggestions to the list and :+1: to the end of a line you are interested in
Data Sets
- Results of the Bundestagswahl 2021
- Weather data throughout Germany over time (incl. temperature, precipitation, …):
- German Mikrozensus
- Kaggle Titanic or Tabular Playground or Meta Kaggle
- World Trade Data (Open Trade Statistics)
- Open Citation Data
- Top 100 charts + Audio Features
Kinds of Questions
- R/tidyverse
- python
- Power BI
- javascript
- julia
- interactive maps
- dashboards
- animations
Data Sources
all data types are welcome, including tables, images, videos, sounds, DNA, …
- TidyTuesday
- Our World in Data (R package: owidR), Sustainable Development Goals
- Open Data Initiatives (Würzburg, Germany, Statistisches Bundesamt, Europe, APIs)
- Awesome Public Datasets
- Kaggle Datasets or Competitions, e.g. SLICED
- tsibbledata: Time Series Datasets
- R-text-data: Text Datasets, ready to use in R
- Statista - the University of Würzburg has a campus license
- Open Legal Data
- Bundestag Data (e.g. poll results, deputies, wahl-o-mat, inspirational blog post)